Skill 1 - List your most relevant hard skills, soft skills, and experience for this job.
Skill 2 - Mention the skill then briefly add some context to it.
Skill 3 - For example (hard skills):
Forklift Operation - OSHA certified forklift operator with 5+ years of experience and a perfect safety record
Skill 5 - Another example (soft skills):
Multi-tasking: Met visual design deadlines on overlapping projects in fast-paced agency environment; used project management apps like Basecamp and Trello to keep organized.
Example: [Action verb] [brief explanation of accomplishment] resulting in [quantifiable outcome. Using %, $, etc. will draw the eye and make an impact]
The best resume accomplishments measure your results in terms of dollars, percentages, or time-saved. Use numbers whenever possible.
Accomplishment 3
Accomplishment 4
Accomplishment 5
Accomplishment 6